Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Female Model

Many aspiring models see the world of modeling with a starry-eyed idealism, admiration, hopefulness, but with many misconceptions. Those of us who are not female models often evaluate these women based entirely on appearance. While attractiveness is a major factor, there are many more facets to models.

Most models are both sophisticated and well traveled. Models today must be strong and fit, typically working out for hours each day, often with very little sleep. Although a glamorous profession, the job of a model is strenuous, requiring far more work and discipline than first supposed.

One common misconception about female models is that, being so beautiful, they can't be intelligent. Many models are intelligent, well educated and sophisticated women. Often traveling on assignment, they gain a broader exposure to other cultures. Many speak more than one language.

The business side of being a female model requires savvy. They must make smart business decisions to ensure continued success. One offer for a shoot may be very lucrative, but might compromise their personal moral standards. If her personal objection costs her the job, she will most likely benefit later with continued success, rather than a “scandalous” picture surfacing later to haunt her. Other considerations when considering job offers include backing winners – is the particular line going to be successful? How “big” is the designer? Is the pay offered commensurate with the name she's modeling?

Typical female models have short career windows. There are always new female models coming on the scene. Although well paid, she may have a serious career life span of just ten years.

The female model may begin her day at 5 a.m. with a couple hours of working out, a bird-sized breakfast and a ten-hour photo shoot. Female models strictly count calories. Lots of people think models are anorexic types, when in fact, that's not the case. Calories are counted, but their diets are very healthy. Regimented exercise programs keep female models fit and supple.

When modeling clothing, it's important that muscles are well defined, to showcase the drape of the fabric. The physical part of the job is to keep in shape and burn fat. Female models spend anywhere from two to six hours per day exercising. Some of the “super models” exercise eight hours a day. Some of us don't even sleep that long!

One of the obvious “perks” models enjoy is the opportunity to travel. Famous and upscale designers feel their designs will show best on that Greek island, by the Spanish Steps in Rome or that beautiful beach in the Bahamas. Models are expected to take in the cultural ambiance and customs, to deliver the perfect captured moment of that place for the shoot.

Some models are quite lonely, because their beauty make men feel they're “unapproachable”. If you're an aspiring model, take stock of the reality before jumping in to this demanding career of the carefully cultivated flowers of fashion, female models.

Fashion model

If there was one thing about my life that has surprised me so far, it is becoming a fashion model. You see, I have always been very independent. I never put a lot of energy into my dress because I don't really care that much how people look at me. If all they see is what I am wearing then I'm content not to be their friend. As you could probably guess, this is not the attitude most common among fashion models. Fashion models love clothing, and obsess about body image. I just happen to be gifted with a thin body and a winning smile which, combined with my sensational sense of poise, is enough to get a fashion modeling job.

None of the really good clothes models that I know set out to do it. People who set out to become clothing models rarely have what it takes. They are too obsessed with the way people look at them, too driven to be liked, and in general to needy. In the short term, these types of fashion models can be very successful, but over the longer run they tend to burn out. They are the ones who fall victim to all of the pitfalls of the fashion model world. They get into drugs or end up in the hospital with a bad case of anorexia or bulimia. Whatever the case, they are not the runway fashion models who are remembered for years to come.

The problem is that you need such thick skin to look for modeling jobs. I was lucky and stumbled into a modeling job, but this is not usually the case. There are literally tens of thousands of fashion models competing for a fraction as many jobs. Don't get me wrong – if you stick around for long enough, one gig or another will come around – but it is seldom enough to pay the bills.

The real tragedy of it is that a lot of fashion models have their sense of self-esteem tied to whether or not they are accepted into these jobs. Not only do they put their lives on hold while they look for fashion model jobs, but their self-esteem suffers each and every day. It may look like glamor from the outside, but in reality it is not a very good life for fashion models. If you are needy, find some other way to boost your self-esteem!